Monday, August 18, 2014

How Confident Are You about Your Retirement Investments?

How confident are you about your retirement investments?

Indeed, after all your years of hard work and investing, you deserve nothing short of a relaxing retirement life that’s completely free from financial stress. However, the sad reality is that with each passing day, a large number of folks arrive at retirement only to experience mega disappointments - even finding themselves in an inadvertent cycle of poverty-  because their investment portfolios didn’t come anywhere near their expectations.

Some would have you believe this is simply because all of these folks didn’t save enough money, but I beg to differ, because the evidence says otherwise. In my humble opinion, the real culprit creating the financial nightmares in which so many people find themselves is the fact that these well-meaning folks fell into the deadly trap of having an unrealistic understanding of how to harness the stock market to prudently grow their hard-earned retirement money.

It’s sad, and also true, that the investment approach touted by most so-called financial advisors amounts to nothing short of myths and fantasy. To be a successful retirement investor, you should never try to predict the markets – because that’s an impossible goal. Instead, you must take reality into account and invest in a way that prepares you for whatever happens. When nearly every sector of the stock market is posting double-digit growth - just like we’ve experienced over the past five years - it’s easy to automatically presume that your current portfolio, however, flawed, can and will deliver your intended outcome.

No matter where you are in life, may I propose you seriously ponder these questions?
  • Are you building your nest egg with the realistic understanding that the market could head in either of two opposite directions at any particular moment?
  • Or you are simply hoping for the best?
  • Sure the stock market is up today, but are you ready for the inevitable downturn that will occur? The reality is that it’s a matter of when, not if.
  • Could you afford to lose any portion of your retirement investments?
  • In a nutshell, are you certain at a gut level that you’re investing properly?

Okay, let me be crystal clear here that I’m not offering a doom-and-gloom prophecy about the stock market, or the economy as a whole. Neither, am I suggesting that you shouldn’t invest in the stock market.  In fact, there is undeniable evidence that the stock market has been the greatest wealth accumulation medium in the history of our planet. But here’s what you must understand: there is a right way to harness the markets to accumulate sustainable retirement wealth – and there’s a wrong way, too!

So, are you investing the right way? Or are you just guessing and hoping?
Want to confirm that you are on the right track? Come in and let’s help you to independently and objectively evaluate your current approach. Visit or call 877.656.9111 right now to book your complimentary session

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